Travel tips for Guinea
Top 5 Highlights
Home to beautiful beaches, montane rainforests, and a vibrant cultural scene – this is Guinea. Highlights include:

Naturreservat Berg Nimba
Mount Nimba is a UNESCO-listed mountain range situated on the borders of Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Liberia. It is an isolated refuge covered with montane forests and home to unique flora and fauna, including rare species not found elsewhere.

Îles de Los
Located off Guinea’s coast, it beckons with pristine beaches and clear waters. This destination becomes a haven for relaxation and water activities.

Fouta Djallon Highlands
A scenic region of forests and green valleys, ideal for hiking through Fulani villages or in search of waterfalls.

Badiar National Park
Established in 1985 to counter poaching, today this national park is home to a variety of animal species, including elephants, chimpanzees, and various bird species.

Situated on a thin and long peninsula, Conakry is the best spot to experience the country’s music scene. Enjoy the sunset while listening to the rhythm of the Kora.
Tourist Infrastructure
Though the road network can be challenging, especially during the rainy season, the varying terrains offer a unique adventure. While there is a wide range of hotels in and around Conakry, for the best experience in Guinea, it is advised to book through a tour operator.
Climate and travel season
Guinea experiences two distinct seasons: a wet season from May to September, characterized by heavy rainfall, and a dry season from October to April. The wet season transforms the lush Fouta Djallon into a vibrant green landscape, but challenging road conditions may deter travel. Consequently, most tours are scheduled during the dry months.
Visum und Einreise
Staatsbürger aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz benötigen für eine Einreise nach Madagaskar einen noch mindestens sechs Monate gültigen Reisepass sowie ein Visum. Das touristische Visum wird bei Ankunft an allen internationalen Flughäfen ausgestellt.
Da sich die Bestimmungen jederzeit ändern können, sind alle Angaben unverbindlich und ohne Gewähr. Bitte beachten Sie stets die Visabestimmungen und die aktuellen Informationen des Auswärtigen Amtes / Bundesministeriums für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten / Eidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten.
Impressions from Guinea
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