São Tomé & Príncipe2024-02-20T12:35:30+01:00

São Tomé & Príncipe

Travel tips for São Tomé & Príncipe

Top 5 Experiences

The volcanic tropical islands in the Gulf of Guinea off the West African coast perfectly combine a bathing holiday at the paradisiacal beaches with an active holiday in the diverse nature.

(c) LMS Serra - Pixabay


São Tomé, with the capital of the same name, is the larger of the two main islands. It is known for its diverse landscape as well as historical buildings and plantations. The quiet island of Príncipe invites to relax on the paradise beaches such as Praia Banana. The Obô do Príncipe and Obô de São Tomé nature parks stretch across both islands. The offshore equator islands Pedras Tinhosas, Ilhéu das Cabras, Ilhéu das Rólas are extent the archipelagic state.

(c) David Mark - Pixabay


During boat trips to hidden bays with crystal clear water, on the way dolphins are often encountered. The island state offers many opportunities for water sports enthusiasts, as pristine coral reefs invite one to snorkel and dive trips. The neighboring islands, which are full of coconut palms, can be discovered on canoe trips. In the south and north, giant sea turtles come to the beaches in November to lay their eggs and breed.

(c) Joao Ferreira - unsplash


The landscape of the islands contains a wide variety of shapes and colors. The extinct volcanoes offer a view of mountainous grasslands with mountains over 2000m high. Numerous rivers pave their way to the sea. The islands are also famous for special rock formations. The most famous volcanic rock is the Pico Cão Grande on São Tomé, which resembles a skyscraper. On Príncipe, Pico Papagaio rises out of the middle of the jungle.

(c) Joao Ferreira - unsplash

Tropical forest

The jungle in the Obô Nature Park is one of the most species-rich primeval forests in Africa. Here one encounters rare bird species, of which 15 can only be found there. The flora is also diverse with up to 700 local plant species, of which 100 only exist in the Obô. Atlantic mountain forests, rainforests, mangrove forests and savannah alternate with volcanic mountain landscapes, including the highest mountain Pico de São Tomé, lagoons and waterfalls.

(c) Eden Constantino - unsplash


São Tomé, founded by the Portuguese in 1480, is one of the oldest cities in Black Africa. The art scene, about which one can learn more at the Teia D’Arte gallery, is attracting international attention. Today there are two groups of people living on the islands, who speak different Creole languages. The Angolares circumnavigate the islands as fishermen in their dugout boats while the Forrós live in the interior of the islands and operate plantations.

Tourist infrastructure

The infrastructure is not very well developed. The best way to get around is by taxi. In the rainy season there may be restrictions due to flooding. The São Tomé air traffic does not meet the European standards.

Many old mansions and residences from the Portuguese colonial times, called “Rocas”, have been restored for tourism and are now home to romantic, authentic accommodation. The most beautiful colonial houses can be found on the edge of the Obô National Park.

Climate and travel season

The climate is tropical and humid with temperatures between 21 and 31°C. The rain season is between October and May, but it only consists of short rain showers that leave cooler and fresh air behind.

Visa and entry

Citizens from Germany, Austria and Switzerland need a passport for entry that is valid for at least 3 more months after the end of the trip. A visa is only required for stays longer than 15 days. This can be requested before the trip, either at the embassy of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe in Brussels or online via the website of the São Tomé Migration and Border Service. The fee for a visa is around €60.

Since the regulations can change at any time, all information are non-binding and without guarantee. Please observe the visa regulations and the current information of the Federal Foreign Office / Federal Ministry European and International Affairs / Federal Department of Foreign Affaires at all times.

Impressions from São Tomé & Príncipe

(Click to enlarge)


Our partners for São Tomé & Príncipe

Visa, Entry, and Updates

(c) Joao Ferreira - unsplash

Federal Foreign Office ➝

Federal Ministry European and
International Affairs ➝

Federal Department of
Foreign Affairs ➝

Information of the
Tourism Board ➝

Country Information

Current accessibility

  • Information on entry:

    Entry to São Tomé & Príncipe is possible for tourists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Prerequisite for entering is evidence of a negative PCR test that is not older than 72 hours.

  • Information on return:

    Since March 30, 2021, all travellers, no matter from which country they are coming and which means of transportation they use, must present a negative PCR or PoC test, a proof of complete vaccination, for instance the digital Covid-Certificate from the EU (Green Pass), or a proof of recovery from a Covid-19 infection, which was completed at least 28 days ago and is maximum 6 months old, before entering the Federal Republic of Germany. The PCR test must be performed at the earliest 72 hours and the PoC-test 48 hours before the start of the return journey. In addition, travellers must register their entry at the entry portal www.einreiseanmeldung.de➝ before arriving in Germany and carry proof of the corresponding registration with them. For stays in high risk areas classified by the RKI➝ there is a 10-day quarantine obligation. The quarantine can solely be prevented when a proof of complete vaccination or a proof of recovery from a Covid-19 infection, which was completed at least 28 days ago and is maximum 6 months old, was submitted on the entry portal. After five days at the earliest, travellers who are not vaccinated or did not recover from a Covid-19 infection can undergo a Covid-19 test. With a subsequent negative result, the quarantine obligation can be ended early. For stays in virus mutation areas a negative PCR-test, which must be performed at the earliest 72 hours before entering, needs to be shown before return and a fourteen-day quarantine must to be entered without possibility to shorten it.

    All travellers older than 12 years, must present a negative PCR or PoC test, a proof of complete vaccination, for instance the digital Covid-Certificate from the EU (Green Pass), or a proof of recovery from a Covid-19 infection before entering Austria. The PCR-test must be performed at the earliest 72 hours and the PoC-test 48 hours before the start of the return journey. Since January 15, 2021, travellers must register their entry here ➝ („Pre-Travel-Clearance“) before arrival. With the above mentioned certifications a quarantine can be fully prevented when entering from a country classified as safe. The certifications can be handed in 24 hours later if no hotel stay is planned. For vaccinated people arriving from countries not classified as safe or from virus mutations areas the quarantine does not apply neither. Non-vaccinated people however need to present a negative Covid-test or a proof of recovery as well as enter a 10-day quarantine. After five days at the earliest, travellers can undergo a Covid-19 test. With a subsequent negative result, the quarantine obligation can be ended early.

    All air as well as transit passengers who are not fully vaccinated or did not surpass a Covid-19 infection within the past 6 months must register their entry on www.swissplf.admin.ch before or during arrival in Switzerland and need to carry the generated QR-code with them. Air passengers older than 16 years must present a negative PCR or PoC test, a proof of complete vaccination, for instance the digital Covid-Certificate from the EU (Green Pass), or a proof of recovery from a Covid-19 infection before entering. The PCR-test must be performed at the earliest 72 hours and the PoC-test 48 hours before the start of the return journey. Air as well as transit passengers who are not fully vaccinated or did not surpass a Covid-19 infection as well need to enter a 10-day quarantine and present a PCR-test. In addition, they need to inform their corresponding cantonal authority latest within two days after arrival. After seven days at the earliest, travellers can undergo a Covid-19 test. With a subsequent negative result, the quarantine obligation can be ended early. The obligation to test or enter quarantine does not apply to fully vaccinated people who can present a certificate such as the EU Digital Certificate or a Swiss Covid certificate.

Für Einreisende in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, die sich in den letzten 10 Tagen vor Einreise in einem Risikogebiet aufgehalten haben, besteht seit dem 08. November 2020 die Pflicht, sich unverzüglich in eine zehntägige Quarantäne zu begeben. Darüber hinaus müssen Reisende vor ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland ihre Einreise unter https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de ➝ anmelden und den Nachweis über die entsprechende Anmeldung mit sich führen. Nach frühestens fünf Tagen können sich die Reiserückkehrer Covid-19 Test unterziehen. Mit einem anschließenden Negativergebnis kann die Quarantänepflicht frühzeitig beendet werden.

ACHTUNG: Wer sich in den letzten 10 Tagen vor Einreise in Deutschland in einem Hochinzidenz-Gebiet oder einem Virusvarianten-Gebiet aufgehalten hat, muss bereits bei Einreise einen ärztlichen Nachweis oder ein negatives Testergebnis bei sich tragen und diesen bei Aufforderung der zuständigen Behörden vorlegen können. Der Test darf nicht älter als 48 Stunden vor Einreise sein. Darüber hinaus ist das negative Testergebnis auch vor Antritt der Rückreise dem entsprechenden Beförderer vorzulegen. Sollte es den Einreisenden aus etwaigen Gründen in einem Hochinzidenzgebiet oder einem Virusvarianten-Gebiet nicht möglich sein, sich vor Abreise testen zu lassen, können die entsprechenden Beförderer vor Abreise einen Schnelltest durchführen und bei Negativergebnis die Beförderung vornehmen. Der Beförderer darf den Test maximal 12 Stunden vor Abreise durchführen. Dieser Test muss den Anforderungen des RKI entsprechen: https://www.rki.de/tests ➝


Corona precautionary measures

  • Restrictions in the country:

    The tourist infrastructure is currently only operating to a limited extent. There are not further restrcitions in place.

  • Mouth and nose protection:

    There is an obligation to wear a mouth and nose protection and to maintain social distance in public.

  • Hygiene measures in the country:

    It is recommended to wash the hands regularly, further information on a valid catalogue of measures is not available.

Status: 03.11.2021

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